Sunday, January 10, 2010

From Paraiso...

Just a quick update while we have internet...

There's nothing more wonderful than rolling out of bed, walking straight out the companionway, up onto the side of the boat and jumping into the crystal clear water of a sheltered little cove.

We left La Cruz only a few days ago, but already our stops have felt more fulfilling.

Following the wind, we found ourseleves at our first anchorage on the south shore of Banderas Bay at an anchorage called Quimixto. As we dropped anchor, I marvelled at the wonderful green peaks, quaint houses and happy children running along the beach. Eric marvelled at the awesome left-hand wave that was only a short paddle from the boat.

We spent two nights there, hiking, doing the laundry (by hand) ...and surfing.

Children playing in the freshwater river running through Quimixto.

We passed around Corrientes with little drama.

The wind did circles around us, and we were often left flopping around in the waves before we turned on the engine. We lost our wind vane around 3 in the morning as we were rounding the cape. Both of us heard a "THUNK!" and then saw a dolphin playing around the boat, and then the wind vane wasn't working... we can only guess what happened!

We stopped in Chamela for one miserable, rolly night. By 8:30 am we had pulled anchor and were heading south to warmer more suitable anchorages for the goofy southerly weather.

The wind died conveniently as we passed Paraiso anchorage, about ten miles south of Chamela. Poking our nose into the unpopular anchorage we found paradise. Crystral clear water with a sand bottom greeted us. Caves of every shape and size littered the small islands and mainshore. Between dinghying around and exploring and enjoying the refreshing, wonderful water, we were ecstatic to have stopped.

Old ruins littered the beaches around Quimixto... they were fun to explore and wander around...!

Last night we spent the night on a quaint beach drinking wine and sharing adventures with two couples from Tranquilo and Lazy Days. We laughed well into the night and only called it quits when it got dark...

Eric sailing around in the Fatty Knees in beautiful Paraiso anchorage...

Now we're planning on sticking our heads into Careyes- just to see what it looks like, and then meet up with our friends in Tenecatita!

Until then, fair winds and happy adventures!

...I'll put up pictures when I have time later!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Happy new year Rachel and Eric
I'm keeping up to date with your travels. I was looking at pictures of some of the places you have been on the internet . Always look forward to your updates
Jim & judy